We all want to be polite and avoid faux pas in social situations–cannabis consumption is no exception. And if you’re new to cannabis, you may not be familiar with the “unwritten rules” of cannabis culture. To help those in recreational states get up to speed, we’ve compiled a list of etiquette recommendations to help you enjoy cannabis socially.
Verano Cannabis Consumption Tips
Hostess with the mostest. If you’re having people over and offering them cannabis, it’s always a good idea to have something to eat and drink. Water is always welcome, and gum can help with dry mouth, which some people get when smoking cannabis. Certain cannabis strains might give you the munchies, so make sure you have some snacks to share.
Knowledge is power. Let people know what you’re sharing with them–like strain, dosage, what effects they might be able to expect, that kind of thing.
No peer pressure. Don’t push cannabis on someone who isn’t interested. As Verano Digital Project Manager Sarah Gorbutt says, “You can’t give someone new to the cannabis space a hard time.” So if someone says no, just leave it at that. Don’t make it weird.
Consider your surroundings (and your audience). This is common sense, but maybe a family wedding isn’t the best place to get high. If you’re in someone else’s home, always ask before using cannabis. Avoid consuming in public spaces as well–public cannabis consumption is illegal in many states, so be mindful and follow your state’s laws.
Be generous. Always offer to share what you’re consuming with the group. If you don’t have enough for everyone, don’t bring it out or offer it at all, period.
Pass the Dutchie on the left-hand side. If you’re sharing cannabis in a group setting, such as a joint, having a consistent pattern when you’re sharing helps cut down on confusion and ensures no one is left out. Often, people pass to the left (hence, the song).
Call in sick. If you’re not feeling well, don’t participate, even if you have some alcohol wipes handy or other germ-safety measures. Trust us; your friends will appreciate your sacrifice.
Sharing is caring. Depending on the method of cannabis consumption, there are some different things to consider.
- Bong/Pipe – When using a bong, clear it before passing it to someone else–no one likes stale smoke. If you can’t inhale all the smoke in the chamber, that’s okay; you can blow the smoke out through the stem instead. In a bong or a pipe, make sure you don’t scorch the whole bowl when sharing. The goal is that everyone participating gets a little bit of freshly packed flower.
- Special note for hosts: If you’re sharing a bong or a pipe, it’s nice to have alcohol wipes handy to wipe down the lip of the bong or pipe between each person. It’s also good manners to let guests have the first hit of a freshly packed bowl.
- Joint – When smoking a joint, be careful not to get the tip of the joint wet with saliva, because no one wants a soggy joint. When handing the joint to another person, ash it in an ashtray before passing. And don’t blow smoke in someone’s face–that’s just rude.
- Vape – With a vape, you just want to stay respectful. When you continually hit a vape over a long period, you can burn the fluid in the cartridge, which causes the vapor to taste burnt. Yuck. Avoid this by aiming for three- to five-second hits.
- Edibles – When sharing edibles, always make sure you have enough for everyone. Provide the dosage and as much information as possible to help set expectations about effects.
We get that consuming cannabis socially can feel daunting–and for good reason. There are unwritten rules and social conventions unique to cannabis culture. But hopefully, with these tips, you’re feeling a little more confident about participating. It should be a fun, safe, and respectful experience. And if you’re ever unsure about something, just ask! Really. The cannabis community is inviting, empowering, and loves to educate.